Frequently Asked Questions
What is the mission of the Olson Trust?
The mission of Olson Trust is to support growing sustainable agriculture, protecting natural resources, and investing in Hawaii’s people. We envision Hawaiʻi, where the land and people thrive together.
What is the business model of the Olson Trust?
The Edmund C. Olson Trust No. 2 (Olson Trust) was created by the late Edmund C. Olson. The Olson Trust inherited the estate of Mr. Olson and holds assets managed by appointed trustees. Assets owned and managed by the Olson Trust include land holdings, businesses, and others. There are plans to create the Edmund C. Olson Foundation to support charitable causes.
Where does the Olson Trust operate?
The Olson Trust operates primarily in the State of Hawaiʻi, with some holdings on the U.S. mainland. The Olson Trust headquarters are in Pāpaʻikou, Hawaiʻi.
What does the Olson Trust own?
Assets owned and managed by the Olson Trust include land holdings, businesses, and others. The financial statements of the Olson Trust are private.
What types of organizations does the Olson Trust support?
At this time, the Olson Trust supports causes with Hawaiʻi-based organizations who the trust has established partnerships with and is not soliciting grant requests.
How can an organization apply for funding?
The trust is not soliciting grant requests at this time.
Who runs the Olson Trust?
The Olson Trust employs a team led by trustees. For more about the people of Olson Trust, see Our Team.
What is the connection between the Olson Trust and O.K. Farms?
In 2002, O.K. Farms was founded by Edmund Olson (of Olson Trust) and Troy Keolanui, with a mission to perpetuate sustainable agriculture in Hawaiʻi. O being for “Olson” and “K” for Keolanui. Troy Keolanui now owns O.K. Farms. For more about O.K. Farms see “Where it Started”.